Channel: FitSwissChick – Fit Swiss Chick
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You can prep but not always succeed – Swiss Team CHallenge 2015


Maybe some of you saw and were rolling their eyes about all the postworkout selfies since being back from my trip.

I used them to stare a bazillion times at the size of my ass in disbelief which about doubled in the past 1,5 years. CrossFit does that to you. But I also use them to remind me how absolutely fantastic and accomplished I feel after each workout. And because I was preparing for the Swiss Team CHallenge past Saturday, I wanted myself to stay on track with my daily training. Besides all these excuses, I am a selfie obsesser, that’s definitely nothing new.

I competed  last year for the first time, this year the second round in the advanced category.

LucieCollageI indulged in my daily chocolate, we know by now that it’s not a good idea to take away my sugar from me. And since I ALWAYS go to the grocery store hungry, you bet I have all the good stuff at home. I am team hungry-grocery-shopping, not the other. Where’s fun to stare at food when you don’t feel like eating? Best part? Rip open the bags right behind the counter after you emptied your wallet to bury the panic attack of being ruined with the new found treats.

This is the moment when you should slap me and throw an expired protein pancake in ma face to stop babbling bullshit.

Originally, I intended to tell you that I made good food at home too to be fueled right during the prep. Speaking of Protein Pancakes, these were fresh and delicious:

Banana/Egg/Protein Pancakes with greek yogurt

Banana/Egg/Protein Pancakes with greek yogurt

Grilled Salmon and Asparagus

Grilled Salmon and Asparagus

Salads with chicken as big as my head

Grilled chicken with an assload of greens

Summer Lounge Plate: Asparagus Frittata, Guac, Wrap with Parmigiano and Prosciutto

Summer Lounge Plate: Asparagus Frittata, Guac, Wrap with Parmigiano and Prosciutto

Rhubarb Porridge

Rhubarb Porridge

Ok, the real subject of this blogpost is the competition last Saturday. The event is hosted by us, CrossFit Basel, my boss designs the programming and all CrossFit gyms in Switzerland take part with their range of teams. Overall 297 teams were registered, which tops all the records with almost 1200 athletes. Check out the Event Videos here!

I can’t even structure the experiences, cause basically, my whole life last week happened at the gym – there was so much to do. I spent Friday late night cooking my food, as it was going to be a long day – oh, if I knew how right I was. I did all the workouts the weeks before, so I felt good if not almost confident. Check out the beautiful line up from last year and this year!





Event 1 went great. After practising my Double Unders like a mad woman, I got them right and almost unbroken. My mobility was spot on on that day so the Wall Ball Shots felt easy, and I made all my 5, 6 and 7reps of 80kg Deadlift. Don’t think I didn’t gasp like a bloody smoker when I was done. And I felt nasty nauseous after the workout. I thought it was the hard breathing (#twss) and the nervousness. I couldn’t touch any food which is THE symptom that something is wrong, like REALLY wrong. I am a Food Machine, we know that by now.

CrossFitEvent 2 was great, I felt strong and motivated and slapped out 38 seconds of L-Sit on bloody 10kg plates and 50kg triple Push Press which obviously was too easy. Please stop at the pic with the pain face for a hot second and share your undivided attention. I swear, it’s worth it.

Wait. I need to measure the size of my upper. I mean, seriously.

Wait. I need to measure the size of my upper. I mean, seriously.

CrossFit image CrossFitAnd then it was over. My stomach felt heinous, I was shivering and I felt like my blonde brain is about to explode without a sip of booze, that I swear. I laid down on the floor in my office, begging for painkillers and tried to get over the fact that I have to quit. QUIT. ME. That’s not a combo I know and one I hate and ALWAYS try to avoid for that matter. I cried like a baby in front of one of my team mates who was completely overwhelmed and totally at loss on how on earth he was supposed to handle a sniveling Luce who is 95% of the time giggly, chilled and strong. Sorry.

So I filled myself up to the brim with all kinds of pills in order to at least do my job. No one could have ever teared me away from that place on that day. I waited for it for so long and my job is my love.

CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit

I might sound like a broken record, but I call myself an expert in turning things into the positive. This is a self-created validation without a sheet or really anything to support my conclusion except my ego, but well, take this fact bluntly. Ignoring the shooting pains on my whole body and the painful sting in my heart for standing in the audience instead of going completely overboard in the arena, I smiled, cheered my people on and lived out my other passions of my job.  I made it through to the end. I even were the number girl to present the awards which made me happy, cause all the winner teams of the advanced category consisted of MY boys and girls. We are awesome. So proud.

CrossFit CrossFitAfter two sips of beer which made my stomach turn I grabbed my car, headed home to pack up in 573645 blankets and sleep. Flu, you’re an asshole.

I laid flat half-Sunday, doing all work and documentation with my laptop in my bed (I could inflict you with what I would prefer to have in my bed other than my laptop, but we leave that unpublished) and ate more pills and less food. Since this whole flu story is getting annoying, I jump to the point when I felt better and went out with some competition guests from Germany and got back to training on Tuesday.




Even if this year’s event wasn’t a walk in the park, it was freaking epic. The storm is over and a new one has blown up – we are starting the preps for the big Are You Tough Enough Challenge in November. BIG.

Happy Thursday Loves, I hope you are all healthy!

Post the link in the comments of your worst pain face. Don’t leave me alone with this nightmare pic!

Did you ever work at an event? Crazy, right?

Last time the flu hit you?



50kg Shoulder to Overhead
Double Unders

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